Interview, Cam Witten

Interview, Cam Witten

GiGL’s Board of Directors are central to our work and our success. Their commitment and expertise helps guide GiGL and keeps us moving forward and developing. Directors are on the front line of biodiversity and open space work in the capital. They are GiGL service...
Greenspace and Mental Wellbeing

Greenspace and Mental Wellbeing

Dr Vikki Houlden, Newcastle University – Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies & the Spatial Analytics and Modelling Group I was in my fourth and final year of study as a Civil Engineer at the University of Warwick when, on a bit of a whim, I signed up...
GiGL is Closed Week

GiGL is Closed Week

By Julie Cox, Senior Partnership Officer Donuts helping motivate staff (c) Maria Longley Like most organisations, we often find we have a list of things we’d like to do on a ‘rainy day’. But sometimes that rainy day never comes. A solution we’ve found helpful at GiGL...
Information is Beautiful

Information is Beautiful

Andy Foy, GiGL Systems Manager Data is dull, isn’t it? It’s just a load of facts and figures collected together, a series of ones and zeros that don’t seem to be worth paying much attention to. But when it is presented in the right way data really comes alive. It is...
Interview, Emma Knowles

Interview, Emma Knowles

Emma Knowles, GiGL Partnership Officer Emma is GiGL’s partnership officer. She delivers work for existing GiGL partners with service level agreements, as well as carrying out work with students that wish to use GiGL data for research projects. At times she focuses on...