Recording Spreadsheet

GiGL’s recording spreadsheet is suitable for ongoing record keeping (e.g. from your garden), digitising archive surveys, or for sending in batches of data from surveys or site visits. As well as the mandatory who, what, where and when, the GiGL recording...

The only way is up

Matt Davies, GiGL Data Manager, on the benefits of our latest software upgrade. After considerable effort to install, accurately migrate data and develop the custom reporting we need for our day-to-day work, our Recorder 6 database is now up and running. Having...

The view from here

Alexia Wellbellove, London Bat Group London Bat Group (LBG) is an entirely voluntary, registered charity working throughout the Greater London area to protect and enhance London’s bats. What that means in practice is that LBG is run by a small group of devoted...

Cookie Policy

Cookies policy Our website uses ‘cookies’ to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites. Our cookies help us: Make our website work as you’d expect...
Springing into Action

Springing into Action

Julie MacDonald, GiGL Data Officer “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” Leo Tolstoy – Anna Karenina Tolstoy’s words were never truer than at GiGL over the last few months. As flowers and trees have finally bloomed in our late spring, so too have the projects we...