Interview: Victoria Kleanthous

Interview: Victoria Kleanthous

Victoria joined the GiGL team in May 2021 as a Data Assistant and is now one of our Community Officers working with our recorders, data providers and students. Victoria in front of vibrant red Acer leaves (© Dominic Ashworth) Town or countryside? Countryside. Summer...

Natural Environment Data in Planning

A project by the Mayor of London in 2016 found that 18% of planning applications in London should have been supported by a GiGL data search report but only 1% was. Stats published by GiGL since (see the figures in our map), show that these figures are still very low...
Informing development in London

Informing development in London

New data search report figures and resources In May 2022 we published a GiGLer article re-introducing our data search reports and presenting our new interactive map that shows data search report figures per Local Authority. We suggest you read the article for an...
Updating London’s Areas of Deficiency

Updating London’s Areas of Deficiency

By Amy Palmer-Newton, GiGL Database Officer Since the start of 2021, the GiGL team have been hard at work updating and improving our Areas of Deficiency (AoD) models. We’re excited to announce that these are nearly ready for launch, and we can’t wait to share the new...


Internal Publications GiGL Annual Report 2022/23 Our public facing annual report for the 2022/23 financial year. Download the annual report here: GiGL species, sites, and communication stats from the 2022/23 financial year: GiGL Annual Report 2021/22 Our public facing...