GiGL Contacts

GiGL Contacts   GiGL staff are work from home, have access to all systems with the exception of phones – please contact us initially by email, details below. If you are a key stakeholder needing to meet with us remotely, please discuss further with your contact...
Interview, Jon Riley

Interview, Jon Riley

GiGL’s Board of Directors are central to our work and our success. Their commitment and expertise helps guide GiGL and keeps us moving forward and developing. Directors are on the front line of biodiversity and open space work in the capital. They are GiGL service...
Rewild London: Haringey’s Ancient Woodlands

Rewild London: Haringey’s Ancient Woodlands

Through GiGL’s project to update the Ancient Woodland Inventory for Greater London, we are identifying unrecognised ancient woodland sites (areas that have been continuously wooded since at least 1600 AD) across the capital. By ensuring their inclusion within the...

News – Issue 4

The Royal Parks project to continue For the past year, The Royal Parks has funded a post within the GiGL team, responsible for the development of a biological records database within the agency. As a result of the first year of this project, the agency now has its own...


One million records and counting The glory of becoming GiGL’s millionth record goes to a pignut, recorded by Barn Hill Conservation Group. The lucky pignut was one of nearly 400,000 species records imported to the GiGL database during the 2008/09 financial year. The...