Data for Research

One advantage of GiGL’s not-for-profit business model is that we are able to make selected information available for research projects, often without charging for our time. This helps students on their way to completing their courses, promotes knowledge and discussion...
Joy of Recording – Lesnes Abbey Woods

Joy of Recording – Lesnes Abbey Woods

The ruins of Lesnes Abbey (© Drone pilot Jonathan Potts Director Dagmar Scheibenreif) Lesnes Abbey Woods, Bexley, is a hidden treasure in the heart of suburban London. Containing the remains of Lesnes Abbey, founded in 1178, the wood includes a diversity of wildlife...
Springing into Action

Springing into Action

Julie MacDonald, GiGL Data Officer “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” Leo Tolstoy – Anna Karenina Tolstoy’s words were never truer than at GiGL over the last few months. As flowers and trees have finally bloomed in our late spring, so too have the projects we...
Borough’s Corner

Borough’s Corner

Hackney Kate Mitchell, Hackney Biodiversity Officer Hackney’s first biodiversity action plan went to public consultation in 2011 and is due to be formally adopted by the borough early this year. The delay in the BAP’s adoption hasn’t prevented the borough starting its...

GiGL Contacts

GiGL Contacts   GiGL staff are work from home, have access to all systems with the exception of phones – please contact us initially by email, details below. If you are a key stakeholder needing to meet with us remotely, please discuss further with your contact...