Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) resources

GiGL will be playing an important role in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), supporting the process with high quality data and expertise. As part of GiGL’s involvement, we have compiled a list of useful and important documents to help inform and exemplify BNG. These are...

Know your copyrights

Do you know your copyright from your elbow? Who owns the records in GiGL’s database? Oliver Grafton, of the National Biodiversity Network explains the ins and outs of data ownership, with GiGL examples from Mandy Rudd. As a GiGLer reader, you are probably already one...

Natural Environment Data in Planning

A project by the Mayor of London in 2016 found that 18% of planning applications in London should have been supported by a GiGL data search report but only 1% was. Stats published by GiGL since (see the figures in our map), show that these figures are still very low...

Frequently Asked Questions

Data search report service – FAQs These FAQs are for our data search report service. Please refer to other pages in our website for other information. Access How can I order a data search report for London? If you are a client, data search reports for London are...