
Staff changes There have been a couple of changes to the GiGL team over the summer. Ian Woodward, GiGL’s first Royal Parks Officer has now left to do an MSc. Ian hasn’t escaped GiGL altogether, as he continues to represent the British Trust for Ornithology on our...

Natural Environment Data in Planning

A project by the Mayor of London in 2016 found that 18% of planning applications in London should have been supported by a GiGL data search report but only 1% was. Stats published by GiGL since (see the figures in our map), show that these figures are still very low...
GiGL’s new data search reports

GiGL’s new data search reports

GiGL’s data search reports are an authoritative source of information on London’s natural environment and are key components when assessing the potential ecological impact of development projects. Delivered on our behalf by eCountability, each report contains...

News – Issue 3

GiGL online is now live and already in use by GiGL’s partners and customers. One of the many outputs of last year’s successful Defra/National Biodiversity Network funded project, the website provides a portal for London biodiversity and open space...