Reimagining London

Reimagining London

Dan Raven-Ellison, Guerrilla Geographer Reimagine London is a project that invites Londoners to dream of how their city could be improved. London is an inspirational city. It is well known for its built and cultural heritage, but it also has an incredible natural...

Frequently Asked Questions

Data search report service – FAQs These FAQs are for our data search report service. Please refer to other pages in our website for other information. Access How can I order a data search report for London? If you are a client, data search reports for London are...
London Rocks

London Rocks

Julie MacDonald, GiGL Data Officer We all know that London is an historic city, but perhaps not so many of us give much thought to its geological history. The London Geodiversity Partnership (LGP), which formed in 2008, is a group of individuals and organisations with...