Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Brent River Park South: Glade Lane Canalside Park
Borough: Ealing
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 9 ha


This site includes mixture of valuable wildlife habitats in and adjacent to Glade Lane Canalside Park. This triangular-shaped park is bordered to the north by the single track goods line and to the southeast by the Grand Union Canal. To the west is housing and industry. Glade Lane Canalside Park contains grassland, hedges, trees, ponds and wasteland amongst its habitats.


Parts of the park, especially in the west, are formally managed but there are pockets of more natural vegetation providing wildlife interest. The more interesting parts of the park are the grassland and wildflower communities to the east, a number of native hedges and the ponds. The vegetation consists mainly of long grassland dominated by false oat-grass, cut annually for hay, and unmanaged areas dominated by tall flowers. Grass vetchling, an uncommon species in London, is quite frequent away from the unmanaged areas. Marjoram grows near a phone mast and creeping yellow-cress is particularly abundant near the footpaths.The smaller of the ponds is dominated by lesser reedmace, which is far less common in London than great reedmace. The larger pond is quite open, with abundant water-crowfoots, bulbous rush and other water plants on the edges and banks. The grassland immediately surrounding the pond is quite flower-rich with members of the pea family especially abundant. Native black-poplar, one of the country's rarest trees, grows on the banks of the adjacent Grand Union Canal. The wasteland has developed on dumped soil and rubble and the varying topography and the diversity of plant species makes the site very attractive for invertebrates and other animals, possibly including reptiles. Some of the more unusual plants growing here include pampas-grass, dotted loosestrife, balm and orange mullein.


Information; playground
View of Glade Lane Canalside Park © L B Ealing

View of Glade Lane Canalside Park © L B Ealing


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