Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Brent River Park North: Great Western Railway to Marnham Fields
Borough: Ealing
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (part of site)
Area: 67.99 ha


This section of the Brent River Park runs from the Greenford to Ealing railway line to Marnham Field and Mayfield Meadow in the south.


Perivale Park includes a formally-managed park and a golf course. 'Ridge and furrow' can be seen in both areas. The golf course contains some excellent acid grassland which could be even better if mown a little less frequently between the fairways. Remnants of these acid grassland communities survive in the park and blinks, a rare plant in London, grows in the frequently-mown sward. The river contains abundant fennel pondweed. A strip of land between the river and Ruislip Road is a mix of scrub, tall herbs and various grassland communities including one wet grassland type dominated by tall fescue. Coston's Brook flows north to south to merge with the River Brent. This section of the brook supports virtually no aquatic vegetation. To the west of the brook, Perivale Park Meadows contain some scrub and tall herb habitat, as well as herb-rich grassland including neutral grassland with sneezewort. Further valuable wildlife habitat is provided to the south of Ruislip Road by the semi-natural vegetation on both sides of the river. The river has natural banks throughout this section and several pools and riffles along its length. Large meadows occur at Bitterns Field and Mayfield Meadow. These are mostly dominated by false oat-grass with coarse herbs like cow parsley and hogweed predominating, though some damp areas are richer, supporting fleabane and rushes. Mayfield and Greenford Island also has a block of developing woodland with a variety of native species, and a reed bed with purple loosestrife. Marnham Field in the south west has frequently-mown grass in the centre with longer grass, scrub and trees around the edges. Rustyback fern grows on the railway bridge over Ruislip Road East.


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