A different perspective

A different perspective

Gianfranco Gliozzo, University College London The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment popularised the concept of ‘ecosystem services’; making sure nature is considered in decision-making by measuring and accounting for the benefits it provides to human...
Balance of Data

Balance of Data

Cordelia Webb, GiGL Volunteer Armed with only a passion for numbers and a particular interest in wildlife statistics, I arrived at GiGL for my week’s work experience not entirely sure what I would be expected to do. After settling in, I was presented with the number...
Diary of an Open Space Volunteer

Diary of an Open Space Volunteer

Roger Manser, GiGL Volunteer London has some wonderful open spaces and some dreadful ones. It has been my one-day-a week job for the last six months to visit them all and check the features GiGL knows to exist. When the weather has been fine, I have jumped on a train,...
A day in the afterlife

A day in the afterlife

David Allen, GiGL volunteer My connection with GiGL began with Ian Holt, the then warden of Sydenham Hill Wood, in 2006. In order to make the most of my baby boomer final salary pension I was planning to retire from my job as Librarian at the Horniman Museum where Ian...

The view from here

Alexia Wellbellove, London Bat Group London Bat Group (LBG) is an entirely voluntary, registered charity working throughout the Greater London area to protect and enhance London’s bats. What that means in practice is that LBG is run by a small group of devoted...