Planning Documents

Documents and contact details GiGL uses planning documents for many purposes, such as in designated sites data validation and verification process. Because GiGL data are often used in planning and decision making, we use local planning documents to ensure that our...

GiGL Contacts

GiGL Contacts   GiGL staff are work from home, have access to all systems with the exception of phones – please contact us initially by email, details below. If you are a key stakeholder needing to meet with us remotely, please discuss further with your contact...
Rewild London: Haringey’s Ancient Woodlands

Rewild London: Haringey’s Ancient Woodlands

Through GiGL’s project to update the Ancient Woodland Inventory for Greater London, we are identifying unrecognised ancient woodland sites (areas that have been continuously wooded since at least 1600 AD) across the capital. By ensuring their inclusion within the...
Open Data

Open Data

The open data movement is inspiring and exciting, but for it to work for the environmental data sector it needs long-term and significant investment in our local, regional and national data infrastructure The Open Data Institute (ODI) defines open data as “data that...